15 June 2022

Non Duality and Yoga Practice

Running a non duality meetup group for over 4 years has brought the beautiful gift of connecting with like minded people, some who have become close friends.  And for a ‘person’ who doesn’t normally make friends or need friends, this continues to be a cherished experience.

Deeply subtle and authentic conversations are shared.

The unfolding of life is shared.

The challenges and insights are shared.

And there is a knowing that the sharing is with the one beingness.

A recent conversation uncovered a concern about apathy, a judgement put upon the peace experienced in doing nothing.  Lesley has been retired for a few years and she’s had little motivation to do much lately.  Instead she sits and marinates in the peace.  Until judgement creeps in.

 With a few weeks off work, I am experiencing for the first time in many years, the joy of meandering through the day, with no particular tasks to do.

Yet today, I did a morning workout and this afternoon a yoga practice.  In between these I fixed up some long overdue gardening problems and made a raw, vegan dessert.

A relaxing day at home – nowhere to go, nothing to do, yet quietly going about my own business without fuss, without stress, without forcing.  Just flowing gently down the stream.

This is quite different to the motivation behind compiling and completing a list of things to do, or agonising when apathy prevents any kind of action.

If motivation isn’t there, one rests.

This non dual knowing allows and accepts whatever arises.  There is no identity behind the doer that judges.  Life is being done all on its own and in its own time and according to its own unique destiny.

As far as yoga practice goes, today I had a bit of fun with Bryan Kest’s Power Yoga 1, a simple practice, not too difficult as I was not wanting to push this body too far with this serious neck injury and today’s achey shoulder.  Surprisingly, after finishing this one hour practice, the body asked for more and the urge to continue was followed.  Following the invisible prompts, I did Gomukasana with twisted arms in front, Gomukasana with hands clasped behind the thoracic spine, a series of forward bends and twists, then a couple of passive backbends before attempting my first Urdhva Dhanurasana (backbend) in a long time.  No way could I push this body up from the floor which I expect reflects the shoulder problem.  I tried again with blocks under my feet against the wall, then with blocks under my hands, observing the sensations in and around the shoulder area as I tried to engage these muscles.  This area is not firing - the energy/prana feels locked up and blocked up.  

But I so enjoyed trying this pose and quite happy to have a funny little 'improvement' project to work on. 

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